Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Girl Named Busy

Oh. My. Word. I have been SO busy, I haven't posted in over a month and a half! My new job is still fabulous, but I have so much to learn and so much to do. Since I've started I've learned how to use Photoshop (and I'm taking a class to learn more!) and designed a lot of signs, flyers and mailings. I've written scripts for radio and TV spots and gotten them produced, I've booked charities for the next year for our community nights, I've paid (what seems like) one million invoices for advertising and printing, I've helped to plan the next 4 months of events for all 4 stores, I've met with what seems like every media outlet in Springfield, I've given away 50 beds to kids in need through our Beds for Kids program, I've made 3 trips to Memphis (and enjoyed seeing my awesome friends I've made down there, and gone to do a lot of fun things with them!), I've doubled our Facebook fans, created a Pinterest page and a Twitter account...and that's just what I can think of right now! I am learning SO much, and still have SO much to learn! I previously had no idea how financing on furniture works, from this side, but now I've learned! It is so exciting, and kind of scary at the same time. I am not a person who likes to not know things, so this career change has definitely been a humbling experience for me! Last week we were honored with the title of "Fastest Growing Company in southwest Missouri" by the Springfield Business Journal, so that was super exciting for us, and it's exciting for me to have gotten in on the start of what is going to be a very successful growing company! 

The girls are getting big so fast! Claire all of a sudden started talking, and now says all kinds of stuff. Her favorites are "Awww, man!",  making the monkey noise, and singing "e...i...e...i...o". Kylie can read short sentences now, and spell a LOT of words, and count to 100. I just can't believe how fast they get big! It sounds cliche, but it's so true. I always say "the days are long but the years are short", and it is so true. I can't believe their birthdays are coming up in 3 months and they're going to be 2 and 4! And 1 month from today is Pete and my 5 year wedding anniversary, and in 3 months we will celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the day we met! I can't believe it's been that long. The days are long but the years are short. We've both been dieting and he's started running, and of course he has the willpower of an ox (or something with a lot of willpower...) and has lost like 20 pounds, and I've lost a couple... But I'm so proud of him for deciding to make a change to be healthier and be with us for a long long time! We are running a 5K together for the first time next Saturday, and I'm pretty excited! I'm sure he will smoke me at the race, but we will start together and see each other at the finish, and that's what matters. We are also doing the All-Star 5K together in KC this July, and I'm REALLY excited for that one (we get an All-Star finishers medal!).

Hopefully I will find time to write more often now that I'm more settled in with my new work-life! 

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